About us
Carosella Group is an international organization focused on Governance, Risk Management and Compliance consulting, in partnership with a network of extremely competent Law Firms. We offer customized solutions for every business sector to assist our clients in building efficient, cost-effective and law-abiding organizations.
Our consulting service provides our clients with the know-how and tools they need to evaluate, adjust and monitor the risk level of their organization. Thanks to our proprietary Risk Management and Compliance framework we support them in furthering compliance and social responsibility. Our method, along with our customized solution, makes Carosella Group the right consulting choice, fitting all the GRC needs of our clients.
Bee (Business environment ethics) is the proprietary software platform supporting all of our projects. It assists the user in any aspect of the Enterprise Risk Management model and of the overall corporate compliance improvement process. Bee is customizable as to the integration with ERP systems and/or the addition of new features on demand. Furthermore, by updating the database on a daily basis, Carosella Group ensures that its clients can rely on the most up-to-date laws, rules and regulations.